Sep 16Liked by Amanda

That was good to read, a rest is always so important. I find that the telltale signs change but somehow I do notice.

About the immune supressing drugs, don't be put off by the injections. Do opt for the pen version, not the needle version. A pen is so easy, you will hardly notice it. Just a click and it's over. I have watched kids with diabetes using a pen with not a bother.

As for living with immune suppression, it was a small battle in my household but by now everybody knows how to keep the fridge clean, aka low-germ, how to store food stuff in closed containers, how not to leave damp sponges and icky washing-up brushes around and so on. Also, change your toothbrush more regularly and check your toes and feet for tiny cuts every so often.

My worst mistake was cuddling a toddler who felt "a bit under the weather" and both of us getting knocked down with scarlet fever as a result.

Good luck with the colonoscopy, the worst is the taste of the stuff, the rest is easy.

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Thank you so much Sabine! This is comforting and reassuring 😊 x

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Sep 16Liked by Amanda

Hi Amanda, greetings from a fellow Brit appreciating the arrival of autumn this year. I used to love summer most but this year I have developed heat intolerance for the first time since the 80s/early 90s and that sucks. No more feeling good for me when the sun shines it seems.

I can always tell when I'm starting to crash because my allergies ramp up and I feel like I constantly have a cold. My digestive system starts to refuse to process anything and my central nervous system tips into sympathetic overdrive. My body fizzes with electricity it seems while at the same time being immobilised. Fun times!

I would personally love to hear about your camper van travels because it's something I am considering with my husband. We would still love to travel (we also have Scotland on our wish list) and we both love going to festivals and concerts but it's getting trickier now that I need a wheelchair to get there and can't camp in a tent any more. Travel tales from you would be most welcome 😊

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Thank you so much Rachael for your lovely comment. Ooh yes I get that too, that feeling like you have a cold but not, when I get a flare up my throat often hurts and muscles feel all sore. That's interesting that you can't tolerate the heat too. I feel your pain. It feels like we live in opposite world, having to duck for cover from the sun whilst everyone else is out having a blast. At least our skin will stay youthful 😌

You have encouraged me to write about my travels, so thank you for that 😊 I often bring a little notebook with me when I travel, so I will think of you when I jot down my Scotland adventures.

I also have a concert coming up in November. The first big one since I've had my diagnosis, which I'm a bit nervous for, but also excited about. Perhaps I will write about that too! 💕 x

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Sep 16Liked by Amanda

Ooh, who are you seeing? I saw Foo Fighters twice in June, setting off my biggest crash in living memory 🤦‍♀️ I'm crawling out of it now, it's been pants but so worth it! Xxx

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Oh wow, that is one band I would love to see!! I'm seeing a band called sleep token. They are a bit different to the usual stuff I listen to but my god are they talented. I recommend giving them a listen 😊 I also predict a huge crash after the concert, but some things are just worth doing it for! X

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