Jul 17Liked by Amanda

hi my love - I totally understand where you are coming from 1!!!!!!!! "!why me - what have i done wrong in life which means i am being treated like this? Dear Stephnotes gave me a visual idea and said imagine there are wardrobes in the field and you put all the anger and 'nasty' things in your life into each individual wardrobe, then you lock them up individually and throw away the key. My other friend said with my brain being full of anger, i should put those chunks of brain anger and regret in the wardrobes too to clear the brain. I did that too - i found the darkest, most slimy field and imagined mouldy old wardrobes and mentally when i had done this i felt a lot better. Then i put my two fingers in the air and say "f off" to all those nasty incidents, etc in my mind. It does help me mentally. Then sometimes if I am in a good mood i will pick up the key (as I am in control which gives me freedom) and I might put the key in a lock of the wardrobe and that makes me feel better..... you can try that some time. I also 'milk' any good news for more than five minutes so i am on a high - if you have just eaten something tasty - or seen something lovely - just talk about it fervently for at least 5 minutes to release endorphins in your brain. It works. Also i would like you to have another camera in a bird box or where birds get together to watch them - find a place and get dear hubby to screen some other good shots high up on a roof?? I also have some lovely glass conservatories where i put my lovely thoughts in and keep visiting them and sitting down inside them and having an afternoon tea with my loved ones, those here and those i have known, and have the feel good factor again. I am also taking the 'guilt' you sometimes feel and putting it into another wardrobe so you don't have that burden on your shoulders any more xxx Now what shall we have for afternoon tea???

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Aw I love all of these ideas! In the past I don't think I've ever allowed myself to really celebrate the small wins in life, I always felt I had to quickly move onto the next thing or felt guilty for them (there's that icky guilt again). So I like your idea of celebrating and milking all those little things that bring us joy in every day life yey 😄💕

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Jun 25Liked by Amanda

Thank you for this wonderful piece Amanda. Sitting with this myself at the moment, struggling with my 9-5 at the moment and I'm not sure where the breaking point is.

Can I leave you with a song ? No shortcuts - by heather maloney and darlingside

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Thank you for the kind words and the very fitting song Maggy 🥰 it's so hard to know the right thing to do isn't it, especially when doing the right thing for your mind and body feels in conflict with everything else! I hope you can find a happy balance 🤞

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Jun 24Liked by Amanda

Amanda, written so thoughtfully!

I’ve noticed that some people are resolute in their purpose and others struggle and can’t feel a bit shamed by society by seemingly not having one. Yet, we live everywhere and always, filling in, supporting, encouraging, and truly seeing others. That is a noble and meaningful purpose, even if it is not revered in our current work/produce-oriented societies.

Your work, should you choose to accept it, is to become the most you that you could possibly be. Sounds like you are finding your way!

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Thank you Bonnie, you are so wise. It's true that in becoming more you, you naturally find your way and then purpose in life. I wish it wasn't so difficult, but I guess that's the journey we all need to go on 💕

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