Amanda, I gobbled this up. You have said so much of what I’ve felt over the past few years. It’s been exhausting, because people don’t understand these invisible chronic illnesses. I was very upset last week when even my husband, who is nothing but supportive, didn’t know the name of my illness! Ok, it’s a mouthful: microscopic lymphocytic collagenous colitis, but still ! Come on! People don’t listen, they say oh, what? You still can’t eat anything? They think I should be cured, that there’s a medicine I can take! Or they get mad at me and tell me I need to just get over it and stop making a big deal because it’s nothing serious! Thank you for writing this. And I’m here if you want to talk ❤️

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Oh Francesca I'm so sorry. I feel you, I really do. I think people's brains can't quite comprehend when illness is chronic and long-term. They have enough sympathy for acute illness, but when it's longer and there's no cure, sometimes the sympathy can go right out the window. They keep asking, are you cured yet? Um no, that's the point argh. I'm just glad we have a platform like Substack to find others that just get it 💕 I'm looking forward to reading your blog! Big hugs.

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I write a lot of poetry! But mostly funny, or else romantic. And I wrote a romcom, and I’m writing another novel ❤️

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Oh that sounds fun! I look forward to it 😄

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